Life rarely turns out like we planned. Does that mean we give up hope? Not on your life! Even in the midst of what looks like hopeless circumstances, there is an unswerving hope that can be shaken, battered and bruised, but never completely wiped away. This is the story of my daily faith walk. If you have found yourself in a hopeless place, please join me and let's take this journey together--the journey in search of unswerving hope.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
What Does My Wordle Say About Me?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
You Can't Hold Up a Bus!
When I say, “You Can’t Hold Up A Bus,” I’m not talking about the kind of hold up where you would use a ski mask and a gun! I’m talking about literally picking up a bus.
Stay with me here... I heard an interview once with an actress on a Superman movie. In one scene of the movie, this villainess was shown picking up a city bus. When the scene was being filmed, for a split second, she forgot that she wasn't actually holding up the bus--there was a crane doing that. She actually injured herself as she tried to support a city bus. Now that sounds crazy because we all know that none of us is strong enough to actually pick up a bus.
But we essentially do the same thing when we try to control every circumstance of our lives and the lives of those around us. Lately, I’ve been exhausting myself trying to control the people around me. I’m not trying to control them in a bad way. I love these people and I want what’s best for them. I just want to make sure they don’t make wrong choices or put themselves in situations that might cause them pain. So I’ve been trying to head off any mistakes they might make—I’ve been watching them like a hawk, straining to discern every comment, every action. And I am exhausted!
The truth is, the only person I’m responsible for is me. I want to be an encouragement and support to those I love, but when I start trying to “will” them into the “right” (according to me) decisions and behaviors, I may as well be trying to “hold up a bus.”
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The Courage to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference!
And that is my unswerving hope!
Stay with me here... I heard an interview once with an actress on a Superman movie. In one scene of the movie, this villainess was shown picking up a city bus. When the scene was being filmed, for a split second, she forgot that she wasn't actually holding up the bus--there was a crane doing that. She actually injured herself as she tried to support a city bus. Now that sounds crazy because we all know that none of us is strong enough to actually pick up a bus.
But we essentially do the same thing when we try to control every circumstance of our lives and the lives of those around us. Lately, I’ve been exhausting myself trying to control the people around me. I’m not trying to control them in a bad way. I love these people and I want what’s best for them. I just want to make sure they don’t make wrong choices or put themselves in situations that might cause them pain. So I’ve been trying to head off any mistakes they might make—I’ve been watching them like a hawk, straining to discern every comment, every action. And I am exhausted!
The truth is, the only person I’m responsible for is me. I want to be an encouragement and support to those I love, but when I start trying to “will” them into the “right” (according to me) decisions and behaviors, I may as well be trying to “hold up a bus.”
God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The Courage to change the things I can
And the Wisdom to know the difference!
And that is my unswerving hope!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
A Cruel Prayer?
“I do not pray that you may be delivered from your pains…”
What? That sounds so cruel, Brother Lawrence. How can you not pray that someone
who is suffering be delivered?
I am reading “The Practice of the Presence of God” by
Brother Lawrence. He worked in the kitchen of a monastery and had very little education.
But what he did have was a profound peace in the midst of poverty, a lowly
position, and much hard work. This peace was so profound that visitors to the
monastery sought him out to learn his secret. Hence this little book of his
writings was assembled.
So this man of great peace wouldn’t pray for his friend to
be delivered from his pains… what did he pray for? “…but I pray GOD earnestly
that He would give you strength and patience to bear them as long as He
pleases. Comfort yourself with Him who holds you fastened to the cross: He will
loose you when He thinks fit.” He continues that “men of the world” who consider
sickness and pain as just a part of living, and “not as a favour from GOD… find
nothing in it but grief and distress. But those who consider sickness as coming
from the hand of GOD, as the effects of His mercy, and the means which He
employs for their salvation, commonly find in it great sweetness and sensible
consolation… GOD is often (in some sense) nearer to us and more effectually
present with us, in sickness than in health.”
That speaks to my soul. I have experienced that amazing
sweetness of the nearness of God during times of unimaginable grief and pain.
It’s hard to describe how you can hurt so badly and yet experience the presence
of God so sweetly at the same time. God knows that the pain you are suffering
through is unbearable. By the way, despite what many will tell you during times
of grief and pain, God DOES give you more than you can bear! But He does not
make you bear it alone. He uses it to help you see your utter dependence on
So, if you’re a friend of mine, I’m sorry, but I won’t be
praying for you to be instantly delivered from any pain and suffering. But I
will be praying for God’s profound peace and the sweetness of His amazing
presence to carry you through until He has accomplished all that He wants to
accomplish in you. God wants so much more for you than your present comfort.
Brother Lawrence continues, “[God] often sends diseases of
the body, to cure those of the soul. Comfort yourself with the sovereign
Physician both of soul and body." And that is my Unswerving Hope.
Brother Lawrence,
presence of God,
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